Tuesday, May 17, 2011

UNA COSA MÁS - ESL resource contact

Inglés Sin Barreras
Lexicon Bilingual Resources
Lynne Karle

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Collection Development in Spanglish

Here are some of the recommendations and contact information that were presented in the SRRT's Serving Spanish-speaking Populations Workshop:

Nerissa Moran at Brodart has been very helpful - Nerissa.Moran@brodart.com
Linda Goodman, Bilingual Publication, exceptionally helpful always - bilingualspanish@gmail.com
Edgardo Moctezuma, Latin American Book Source, Inc. - sales@latambooks.com
Teresa Mlawer, Lectorum - tmlawer@lectorum.com
Dror Faust, Puvill - dror@puvill.com

Rakesh Kumar, Multicultural Books and Videos - multiculturalbooks@sbcglobal.net
Luis Cano, Laguna films - lcano@laguna-films.com [http://www.lagunafilms.com/], especially for Mexican classics

Tara Battles, WT Cox Subscriptions - tara.battles@wtcox.com
Norma Thomas, Latin American Periodicals [assorted novelitas] - (520) 281-0243; http://www.lapmagazines.com/
Martín de Jesús Sánchez Espinoza, Libros de Todo México - Tel / Fax : +52 (55) 5688-9610
Magazine Subscription Service Agency, magazine@gte.net

Check the Hispanic Resource Center's web page for some good links - www.tulsalibrary.org/hrc Keep checking, I will be improving and updating over the next few months.

Ah! For citizenship prep materials for the exam, don't forget uscis.gov has some great resources in Spanish and other languages here - http://tinyurl.com/3ew5vv6
